
  NASA GLOBAL MEAN TEMPERATURES SINCE 1880 GRAPHED IN PERSPECTIVE TO TEMPERATURES HUMANS EXPERIENCE, RATHER THAN A 3 DEGREE RANGE THIS IS THE SAME DATA SCALED TO FRIGHTEN YOU INTO PANIC AND OBEDIENCE Movie exposes the false climate change paranoia Climate: The Movie (   "If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance." - Orville Wright    December 3, 2023 The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Daniel J Boorstin, historian, professor, attorney, and writer; 12th librarian of the U.S. Congress                                                     Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming The NIPCC Report on Scientific Consensus Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, S. Fred Singer NIPCC Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (110 Pages Book)   xix Key Findings Key findings of this book include the following: No Consensus # The most important
Ford Motor Company lost $4.5 billion on electric vehicles in 2023. Ford again warns on EV results, withdraws 2023 forecast | Reuters Rivian EV stock went from $167.75 to $10.10 British electric van maker, Arrival, was valued at $13 billion, now bankrupt Hertz CEO resigns over high Tesla write-downs. Hertz is selling 20,000 Teslas due to high maintenance costs and low consumer demand. _____________________________ Observation: Increasing CO2 By 7,000 ppm Has A 0.3°C Temperature Differential   Real-World Observation: Increasing CO2 By 7,000 ppm Has A 0.3°C Temperature Differential By  Kenneth Richard  on 30. March 2023     Surface air CO2 concentrations vary by 100s to 1,000s of ppm within a span of hours to days or weeks across the natural world. The observation
  The "97% of scientists" lie has been endlessly repeated, exerting mind control on hundreds of millions in the Cult. The 97% figure derives from a survey sent to 10,257 people of which the 3,146 who replied was further whittled down to 77 self-selected climate “scientists” of which 75 were judged to agree that human induced climate change was taking place. What was the criteria for rejecting 3,069 respondents? There was no mention that 75 out of 3,146 is 0.03%. We did not hear that 0.03% of climate scientists agreed that humans have played a significant role in changing climate despite the billions spent on climate research. Just imagine a well-paid, easy job where, regardless of how many times you blunder, there will never be any adverse consequences. Little wonder that those fortunate individuals form a closely knit, self-supporting group, hostile to anyone who dares to question them. - Max Chugg __________________________ Papers dissenting from Climate Change narrative: